In-Depth Masterplan Feasability Studies on Steroids, All Inside SketchUp!

Modelur is a SketchUp extension that gives you all the essential tools to easily test and modify multiple masterplan options and extract all data from your designs automatically… Without having to manually recalculate areas in spreadsheets!

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Make Better Decisions in Early Stages and
Amaze Your Clients With Fast Iterations

Increase your efficiency

by automating all calculations in real-time

Create a better quality design

by testing 5x more design options in less time

Quickly respond to client’s feedback

by instantly changing your design with parametric approach

your efficiency

by automating all
calculations in real-time

Create a better
quality design

by testing 5x more masterplan
options in less time

Quickly respond to
client’s feedback

by instantly changing your design
with parametric approach

Speed Up Your Entire Workflow

Step #1
Quickly Develop Masterplan Options

Use interactive tools like real-time data calculation, automatic zoning compliance check, massing generator and more, to develop masterplan options easier and up to 5x faster.

Step #2
Automatically Extract Data and Export to Excel

No need for manually extracting areas and importing data to Excel. Get all key urban parameters calculated automatically and live synchronized with an Excel spreadsheet when developing your masterplan.

Step #3
Modify your masterplan options stress-free

No more stressful feedbacks from your clients.
Use the power of parametric modeling and automated data calculations to easily create more design options or easily iterate your existing ones according to your client’s request.

More Tools to Skyrocket Your
Masterplanning Reputation

More Tools to Skyrocket Your Urban Design Reputation

OpenStreetMap Import

Create 3D context and understand how your design fits into the existing environment.

GIS Import/Export

Enhance the visual presentation of your project by importing objects from your SHP or GeoJSON files.

Live compliance warnings

Get instant visual warnings if you breach specific zoning regulations and quickly fix your design.


Create 3D context and understand how your design fits into the existing environment.


Enhance the visual presentation of your project by importing objects from your SHP or GeoJSON files.

Compliance Warnings

Get instant visual warnings if you breach specific zoning regulations and quickly fix your design.

What Architects Say About Modelur

Get Modelur - Your Masterplanning Assistant

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