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Installation instructions:

Modelur is implemented as a plug-in for Trimble SketchUp.
To install a SketchUp Ruby plugin in RBZ format use the standard SketchUp installation procedure:

  1. We recommend logging into your computer as an admin before installing any Ruby scripts. This will make the installation go more smoothly and ensure that files get installed in the proper places.
  2. SketchUp 2017 to 2021.0:  Select Window → Extension Manager (Windows) or SketchUp → Extension Manager (OS X).
    SketchUp 2021.01 and above: Select Extensions → Extension Manager (Windows) or SketchUp → Extension Manager (OS X).
  3. Click on the Install Extension button. The Open dialog box is displayed.
  4. Locate the Ruby zip file to install (.rbz).
  5. Click on the Open button. The Ruby plugin appears in the list of extensions.

Watch video instructions instead:

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Hey, There! Thank you for signing up.


We sent you a download link and installation tutorial to your email.

1. Check your email for the .rbz download link and installation instructions.

2. Download Modelur, and install it on SketchUp!

©2021 Agilicity|Modelur. All rights reserved.