New Modelur generates 3D city models in seconds

The good news is for sharing and we are so excited to share this really big one with you! 🙂

We’ve just publicly released the new Modelur 2020 (known also as GIS Release Candidate 1). This fresh Modelur release works with all SketchUp versions from 2017 to 2020. With it, we’re introducing a brand new feature that automatically generates building volumes from the Open Street Map data. This allows you to easily create 3D city models – literally in seconds!

Importing Open street 3D maps enables you to effortlessly model urban environments across the globe and add context to your developments. Please note, that the quality of generated building volumes can vary from city to city. 

The fresh Modelur release carries other enhancements too. The much-improved intersection of Complex Building’s Part and the new Land Use Assessed Income parameter are among a few of those. Equally important are the improvements that can’t be seen by the users and have been done to the Modelur’s engine itself as these will help us add even more cool features soon. So, please stay tuned! 🙂

You are more than welcome to download your copy of the latest Modelur version and enjoy its efficiency first hand!


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